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Faerie Hollow
Seeing is Believing

Invoking Faeries

flutter flutter?

Meant to summon then capture in a piece of

First gett a broad square christall or venus
glasse in lenghth and breadth 3 inches, then lay
that glasse or chistall in the bloud of a white
henne 3 wednesdayes or 3 fridayes (3 weeks to
us). Then take 3 hazzle sticks or wands of yeare
groth, pill them fayre and white, and make soe
longe ar you write the spiritts name, or fayries
name, which you call three times, on every
stick being more flatt one side, then bury them
under some hill whereas you suppose fayries
haunt, the wednesday before you call her , and
the friday following that, take them uppe and
call at 8 or 3 or 10 of the clocke which be good
plannetts and howres for that turne. but when
you call ,be in cleane Tip and Turne thy pace
towards the east, and when you have her bind
her to that stone or glass.

short and easy version

steep a crystal in hen's blood for three weeks
wash with water
strip three one year old hazel twigs, sticks
something ofthe nature
inscribe the name of the desired faerie while
chanting the name
bury wands in a near by hill on a wednesday
invoke on friday.

Ways to see Faeries
1) Catch one between two blinks of an eye.

2)On a full moon, on Midsummer's eve, look through a self bored stone (one with a natural hole in the middle) from fresh water.

3)Hold four grains of wheat on a four leaf clover.

4) a.Mash a handful of four leafed clovers in a pestle and mortar.
b) Mix with petroleum jelly
c) Infuse for 15 minutes
d)Strain the mixture and decant into dark jars.Leave to cool.
e)spread ointment on eyelids for up to an hour of Faerie viewing.

(I haven't actually tried any of these methods so don't ask)
