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Faerie Hollow
Faerie Thoughts

Do you Believe?

"Faeries have always played a major role in Irish life, and
different types are found thourought the land. They were
once so feared that it was even forbidden to use the word
'faerie' at all, more flattering terms were used to refer to
them, such as Gentry and the Good People."
-->Bob Curran :A Field Guide to Irish Fairies

Everyone has theory's on faeries. Everyday a new believer is made. Either by a blurry photograph, a close encounter, an amazing expereince, or just one of those feelings.

They're everywhere, all round us, in the clothes we wear.
Hiding in the pockets. In the food we eat. Making it to salty.In the flowers in the fields. Blooming and wilting. Take a moment and look around you. Can you really think that there isn't something magical, mystical, quirky, and evil all rolled into one, standing just a little lower or higher than our eyes can see. Watching us and Laughing.

So Do you Believe?

wishing for wings? visit the faerie hollow shop!


dance with us

Invocation to the Fairies

Thrice toss these oaken ashes in the air,
Thrice sit thou mute in this enchanted chair,
Then thrice-three times tie up this true love's knot,
And murmour soft 'She will or she will not.'

Go, burn these poisonous weeds in yon blue fire,
These screeh-owl's feathers and this prickling briar,
This cypress gathered at a dead man's grave,
That all my fears and cares an end may have.
Then come, you Fairies! dance with me a round!
Melt her hard heart with your melodious sound!

In vain are all the charms I can devise:
She hath an art to break them with her eyes.

Thomas Campion

from his Third Book of Airs, c. 1617

Test the power of Pixie Dust